Seriously....... I'm having a week from hell.
Monday: The twins go to nursery on a Monday & normally I can't wait as I get the whole day to myself. This week was a busy one. Instead of enjoying my time stitching up some lovely fabric bits I had to head to a supermarket & stock up on some essentials for the twins 2nd birthday party. I know that lots of mums would probably have all the arrangements done & dusted in plenty of time for their little angels birthdays but, well I'm not like those mums, I am Me & I don't have the time to organise what I'm going to wear of a day let alone a kids party. I won't bore you with my stresses of what to buy in the sodding supermarket but I did end up phoning a friend & for all of about 5 minutes this week I was calm!
Whilst unpacking shopping at home I started filtering my phone calls... don't you just love caller ID??? Then I realised my mum was supposed to be busy today & the fact that she was calling me was bad news. I took the call, my aunt had died. I was sad, I shed a tear but at the end of the day it was for the best, she was in a bad way & in a state that I wouldn't leave a family pet, let alone a relative. My mum had her other sister with her & that was fine, she was ok but I was in no mood to have the teary conversation that may have taken place if I wasn't a bit short with her on the phone. (sorry mum, love you to bits xx)
Tuesday: The twins 2nd birthday...sooooo exciting. I can't believe they're 2 already. The plan of the day is off to twins club for 10am, home by midday for lunch & by that time mum should be arriving, aka Nanna. The twins sleep from 1.30 to 3pm & then at 3.30 we're expecting visitors for a party :-)
We opened some gifts first thing & then headed down to breakfast. DH had already informed me that he wouldn't be home for the twins birthday because he had to work (shocker!). Getting Hannah dressed I suddenly noticed a little spot on the side of her head... blister style :-( Missy Moo has chicken pox. What a kick in the teeth that was. I had to text everyone who was coming to the party to let them know so that they could decide if they wanted to come or not. I called Nanna to let her know, she's going on holiday this weekend coming & doesn't want to get ill half way through. Totally understandable but we had spent the entire day with them on saturday so if exposure was an issue it was a bit late. Nanna is still coming... yay. 5 minutes later, Nanna isn't coming, well she is but.. Grandad is driving her over to give the twins their birthday gifts & then they're going.... shit, thats a big blow to my day!
I decide to get confirmation from the Dr with regards to the pox. I get a 10.40am appt with some dr or another as mine isn't in. Who cares, any dr can diagnose the pox. Anyway, it takes me the best part of an hour to get the twins in some clothes. Lumpy decides he's not wearing anything, it's a nightmare, I stay calm, try my best to just get on with it. When that doesn't work & I realise it's actually 10.40 & I'm still fighting with 2 kids & the buggy I resort to harsh measures... ignore the screaming, force them in the buggy & let it out the soor.
This is where the fun really begins.
I get the twins into dr's reception & the woman behind the counter is on the phone. "are they breathing? are they conscious?"... in my mind I'm thinking 'my god, phone an ambulance'. The receptionist phones a dr, explains that someone may have had a stoke, is breathing but not conscious & should she call 999... is that dumb arse question or what???? she goes back to the called & says to phone 999 but get this, the caller refuses & would rather wait for a dr to visit, even if it means waiting 30 minutes. I'm now thinking 'is this person for real... phone 999 you stupid fuckwit'. Anyway.. I just had to share that as I was in shock that it was actually happening! We get put in a side room, quarantine due to the possible pox. Now this room is like an emergency room in our dr's surgery. It has a bed, oxygen, masks & the defib machine. There are 2 kids books, oh thank god for that because in my rush to get out the house all I remembered was biscuits & water. Now think for a minute about the only things I said I remembered to bring with me & then think about what could possibly happen next... yes thats right... Lumpy did a poo. I have no nappies, no wipes, no nothing. Between them the twins managed to rip a page of one of the books, realise that the cupboard in there was metal & made a really good drum, especially when they both "played" it at the same time. I was having some serious cabin fever by this time, it was hot too & I had 2 year old twins that didn't want to be shut in a room smaller than our bathroom without cBeebies to entertain them. I even called DH & practically begged him to get me out of this room somehow, his best suggestion was to take the twins outside the surgery to wait for a bit.. you know... by the road... twat!!!! After hanging out the door for 5 minutes trying to catch the receptionists attention I realised that the board kept beeping (our dr's call their next patients using electronic display). I ran out to check & sure enough they were calling little Moo to a room UPSTAIRS... this'll be fun! Neither twin would go up the stairs, my health visitor was coming down the stairs, Lumpy freaked.. big time. I had to take Moo upstairs & dump her in the dr's room, after whinging at her for us being left in the quarantine room she wanted to get going when I explained I needed to collect my little boy from the bottom of stairs as he was screaming his head off. Both the health visitor & the practice nurse were looking at him at the bottom of the stairs having a major meltdown. I just scooped him & carried him upstairs, ignoring the 2 women down there & crying my own eyes out. Great. I sat on the floor of the dr's room hugging my children to calm them down enough for me to hear myself think, or sob, or both. Lumpy gradually calmed & Moo had been given a car to play with. I explained the pox, showed the dr all the relevant red blobs & it was confirmed.... now to get them down the stairs!
Just after arriving home Nanna turned up, minus Grandad... he stayed in the car! The twins had fun opening their gifts & playing with nanna, then Nanna was gone. It was lunch time, actually it was past lunch time by about 20 minutes, the lounge, dining room & kitchen looked like it had been ransacked, the twins wouldn't eat lunch & my afternoon got gradually worse. I can't even write about it any more. All is not lost though, it did improve, some party guests arrived. Another set of twins, my baby god-daughter & her sister, who I'm sure the twins think is actually part of the family that just lives in another house... with their collective Mamma (long story.. another day!).
I was glad when bed time arrived... theirs & mine.
Wednesday: today: Little Moo's spots have doubled & she's really starting to itch now. Lumpy has one little blister spot & not alot else. Both are very demanding attention wise & it's proving quite exhausting. Some lunch was had by the twins but not much. They ate a bit more at tea time & are sleeping quite soundly at the moment.
I spoke to one of my best friends this evening, she's coming over Monday for a visit & I wanted to let her know that the twins may be here rather than nursery due to the pox & she's fine with that. What I didn't expect was her to tell me that her & her DH are splitting up. After many years together & only 18 months of marriage, it's a shame & I'm sad for her. I hope I can give her some sound advice should she request any.
It's only Wednesday, who knows what Thursday & Friday will bring.
I could sit here for hours at the moment, typing aimlessly about the day to day goings on in my life but I'm just too tired. It's so tiring, it's supposed to get easier, everyone says so.... I just wish I knew when.